Every year, implant dentistry offers us more ways to help our patients. From replacement of a single tooth to securing full dentures, implant dentistry is making our patients’ lives simpler and more enjoyable.

Losing a tooth can be a traumatic experience. Suddenly, the confidence you once felt when flashing your pearly whites is replaced with the embarrassment of having a missing tooth. But don’t worry too much—Inspired Dentistry of Charlotte is here to help. Our team specializes in implant dentistry in Charlotte and uses state-of-the-art technology to provide you with the highest quality dental care available.

Dental Implants

As individual-tooth replacements, dental implants offer our patients a method of replacement that feels, looks and acts like a natural tooth. No special care needed.

All-on-Four, Fixed Bridges

Implants are now being used to support and stabilize full-arch dentures referred to as “fixed bridges.” For the patient unhappy with denture slippage, having dental implants to permanently anchor fixed bridges is a terrific advantage.

Removable, Snap-On Dentures

For the patient who wants to be able to “snap out” their dentures, we can create implant-supported dentures that snap onto an attachment at the top of each implant. They are more secure than traditional dentures.

What is a Dental Implant?

Implant Dentistry in Charlotte offers a unique way to replace missing or damaged teeth: dental implants. With implant dentistry, your dentist can surgically insert a titanium post with an artificial tooth attached to the jawbone for an incredibly secure and natural-looking result. Implant dentistry in Charlotte is a great option for those who want to give themselves a boost of confidence without the hassle of traditional dentures, bridges, and crowns. With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last a lifetime, so you won’t have to worry about them breaking down anytime soon!

The Benefits of Implant Dentistry

At Inspired Dentistry of Charlotte, we take pride in helping our patients get their smiles back. Having a missing tooth can cause social anxiety, affect your speech, and even lead to bone loss in your jaw if left untreated for too long! Thanks to implant dentistry in Charlotte, you can regain both your smile and self-confidence while also protecting your oral health from further damage. Plus, implants don’t require special cleaning instructions like traditional bridges or dentures do—simply brush and floss regularly as you normally would!

Who is a good candidate for dental implants?

You’re Missing Teeth

One of the most obvious reasons why someone might want to get dental implants is because they’re missing teeth. Whether you’ve lost a tooth due to decay, injury, or another reason, dental implants can help to restore your smile.

You Have Healthy Gums

In order to be a good candidate for dental implants, you need to have healthy gums. This is because the implant will be placed directly into your gum tissue, and if your gums are not healthy, there is a greater risk of infection.

You Don’t Smoke

Smoking is one of the biggest risk factors for dental implant failure. This is because smoking decreases blood flow to the gums, which can lead to implant rejection or infection. If you are a smoker and are considering dental implants, quitting smoking is essential for increasing your chances of success.

You Have Enough Bone Density

Another important factor in determining whether or not you’re a good candidate for dental implants is the density of your bones. This is because the implant will be placed directly into your jawbone, and if you don’t have enough bone density, there is a greater risk that the implant will not fuse correctly with the bone.

We know how important it is for our patients to feel comfortable when visiting us for implant dentistry treatments. That’s why our experienced team offers personalized care tailored to each patient’s unique needs. From our friendly front desk staff to our knowledgeable dental professionals, we strive to make sure every patient has an enjoyable experience that leaves them feeling confident about their smile again!

If you’re looking for an experienced dental practice that specializes in implant dentistry in Charlotte, look no further than Inspired Dentistry of Charlotte! Our team provides personalized care using state-of-the-art technology so you can regain your confidence through a beautiful smile without sacrificing comfort or convenience. So what are you waiting for?

Contact us today to learn more about implant dentistry in Charlotte and how we can help get your smile back on track!

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